Gable bags, more commonly known as oversized tote bags, are shaped packaging options and designed like a shack. Mainly, these bags are large in size and can easily fit into a number of products. Since Custom Gable Boxes are uniquely designed and attractive in shape, many companies prefer to use them because customers are easily attracted to them.

What happens here is that customers will immediately go to things that appeal to them, that catch their attention. These boxes or bags have this trend. The perception that packaging has the ability to win customers' hearts is really true with these bags.

We have been saying this over and over again that packaging easily attracts people; attracts customers to them; helps to improve the profile and image of a company; Helps increase sales and revenue. That is why many love packaging.

When a customer looks at packaging that is unique, attractive, and interesting, it makes them want to know what's inside. They develop this enthusiastic attitude and want to know more about the product they contain. Therefore, they finally end up buying the product.

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The use of these boxes

For the main purpose, these boxes carry cosmetics or food inside them. But having said that, they can also be used for other packaging of other products. Its use is not limited or restricted. You just need to know that the product you are putting inside matches the outer layer of the packaging perfectly. You see, you can put almost anything in the box, but not everything will work. Some will and some will not. Is that how it works.

The lightweight feature

First, it has the weight of its own product. Now if you pack your product in a heavy box it will almost double the load. It can't do much about the weight of your product, but when it comes to your packaging, there are tons you can do. Don't go with heavy packaging would be the job one.

Another thing you can do is make the packaging as light as possible by not adding too much material. Try to use as little as possible when making the case or the box. This way, you won't have any waste from loads of packaging material. Or you can reuse the pieces on the left to make something new. But try to waste as little as possible. At the same time, try to make the boxes as light as possible. And also, cheap custom boxes help you save some.

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There is another benefit to using lightweight packaging. When you use boxes that are not heavy, it will help the company save tons. They won't have to spend a lot on transportation, fuel, storage, etc. The less you spend here, the more you will have to spend on other factors that can help increase sales or the quality of your products and packaging.

Make the boxes playful

The boxes are mainly oversized, we understand that. There is not much you can do about that factor. But how about making the boxes fun, colorful and vibrant to add more appeal to it? You can place amazing icons or images, you can make the boxes colorful, and you can print a game or interesting fact about the product. Anything to get the attention of your customers. They make fonts interesting, but at the same time they must be readable enough to send your message.

These Kraft boxes give you tons of options. You just need to discover the best ways that will work in your favor.

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